Ext JS 4: Override timeouts

One way to override all the ajax related timeouts, including store loads and form submits.

Ext.Ajax.timeout= 60000; // 60 seconds
Ext.override(Ext.form.Basic, { timeout: Ext.Ajax.timeout / 1000 });
Ext.override(Ext.data.proxy.Server, { timeout: Ext.Ajax.timeout });
Ext.override(Ext.data.Connection, { timeout: Ext.Ajax.timeout });

This is from a Sencha forum post How to set timeout which is by ext4all

This was helpful for me b/c I wanted to increase the timeout globally across my application. Even though the documentation makes it look like setting Ext.Ajax.timeout will increase all timeouts, it’s just not true. Debugging through the code, I would still see 30 sec timeouts for store loads (b/c it pulls from the Ext.data.proxy.Server timeout). But, this covers it all.

Version Info: Ext JS 4.1


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