
Separating test dir in Eclipse

I’ve never worked in an environment that totally works within the IDE. Instead of running Tomcat from w/in Eclipse as you can find in tutorials, I run a script that copies my webapp to the correct directories in my tomcat install and then I start/stop Tomcat from within Eclipse so I can debug. For a new app I am trying to get the unit testing in there from the start, but I don’t want the test classes or test properties deployed to my server. I was able to do this by changing the output directory of the testdir to a separate directory, for example bin_test, instead of the default bin directory that Eclipse is using for src.

Hiding files in Eclipse

How to hide the .* files in the navigation pane

1.Click on the “Navigation” pane.
2.Press [CTRL]+[F10] or click on the “View Menu” icon (which looking like an upside down triangle.)
3.Click on the “Filters…” option.
4.In the Navigation Filters, find the “.*” option and click in the checkbox just to the left of the label.
5.Click “OK”.

Found this here:

Using Bookmarks in Eclipse

I love being able to use bookmarks when I’m coding to quickly move between places in the code. Yes, there are all sort of navigational aids in IDEs these days, but nothing is faster than using some key commands to set a bookmark and get back to it. Must be a holdover from my vi days. Since then it has been downhill. Well, Visual Studio was good. IntelliJ okay, but Eclipse is horrible. I just want to quickly tag a place in my code, not name it. Well, a little search lead me to a great write up about Eclipse and it’s bookmark functionality by Luis de la Rosa at Eclipse Tip: Use Bookmarks to track important places in your code. But, even more helpful was the link to the plugin in the comments at Eclipse Bookmarks Plugin which adds quick bookmarking and navigating. It’s a little old, but it still seems to work. I did have to update the key mappings some, but the basic functionality seems to be working.